COLOUR me beautiful.
With the reveal of AIME’s new look today (page two) also came the news of ‘sub logos’ to symbolise the three pillars of the new brand: education, networking and business.
For those adept at marketing (and InDesign), Melbourne Convention Bureau ceo Karen Bolinger told the gathered media apparently the ‘official’ names for the sub-logo colours are ‘burnt orange’, ‘aqua blue’ and ‘charcoal teal’ – the more you know!
CAUSING a stir.
Change seems to be the word of the day at the kick off of Business Events Week today, with Bolinger outlining a new-look AIME that apparently might have ruffled some feathers.
“We do believe we’ve caused a bit of a stir in the industry.”
Yes, she said, AIME did change the welcome reception to a gala dinner, based on feedback from new buyers that no one talked to them at the welcome event.
Having an event after two days of business would provide more connection and exchange, Bolinger said.
SWEET business.
MCEC ceo Peter King gave out some fun facts and figures that will be used in digital signage around the Centre, including that 2,800 cookies were eaten last month, and 4,000 sandwiches – by different people, we assume.