Business Events News is produced once per week on a Tuesday, except for NSW public holidays. It is circulated by email to an estimated 10,200 industry personnel across Australia and the globe each day, including conference organisers, hoteliers, venue managers, government organisations, suppliers and other industry professionals.
Advertising produces immediate results and is seen as the most cost-effective way to promote to the Australian travel industry.
Business Events News consists of a number of A4 pages carrying news stories, photographs and advertising, distributed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format via email. The pages are generally divided into four columns and advertisements can be one, two , three or four columns wide. Full-page advertisements are also accepted as attachments.
Business Events News can offer product advertising, job advertising, website advertising as well as video interview advertising (through TDTV).
To enquire about advertising rates and sizes please email, call our marketing department on 1300 799 220 (within Australia) or +61 2 8007 6760.