BECA looks to industry future
Thursday | Jun 24 2021BUSINESS events will be a key part of Australia’s long-term tourism targets, with a gathering of senior industry stakeholders this month setting an ambitious $50 billion target for the industry’s contribution to the Government’s Tourism 2030 long term visitor economy plan.
Apply for Boost
Thursday | Jun 24 2021APPLICATIONS for Tourism Australia’s Business Events Boost program (BEN 04 May) close next Wed 30 Jun at 5pm AEST.
Auckland success
Thursday | Jun 24 2021ALMOST 400 delegates have registered for the 17th Congress of the Intestinal Rehabilitation & Transplant Association (CIRTA) which is scheduled to take place in Auckland from 30 Jun-02 Jul.
Hong Kong shows
Thursday | Jun 24 2021NEARLY 20 physical exhibitions at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre over the last three months welcomed more than one million visitors.
Sustainable Asia
Thursday | Jun 24 2021DESTINATION Asia has taken the opportunity of the travel shutdown to update its sustainability policies and goals, with local representative Nicole Naylor saying they are “perhaps more relevant than ever”.
MEA 2021 Young Professional winners
Thursday | Jun 24 2021MEETINGS & Events Australia (MEA) has announced the winners of the 2021 Ungerboeck Young Professional Scholarship.
GRANTS scheme update
Thursday | Jun 17 2021THE Federal Government’s $50 million Business Events Grants program, which closed on 30 Mar this year, was oversubscribed to the tune of $6 million, meaning the scheme’s funding was fully exhausted, according to an update from Austrade last week.
Yes Minister, events matter!
Thursday | Jun 17 2021EXHIBITION & Event Association of Australia CEO Claudia Sagripanti was up close and personal with Tourism Minister Dan Tehan earlier this week, taking the opportunity to highlight the importance of the business events sector in the wider economy.
Coogee on radar
Thursday | Jun 17 2021THE recently refurbished Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach in Sydney is now welcoming a significant amount of business events delegates, after the launch of a new purpose-built events centre in its seaside location.
EEAA safety pilot
Thursday | Jun 17 2021THE Exhibition and Event Association of Australia (EEAA) has launched a pilot program to provide risk and safety training and consultancy services to the business events sector.