Save Victorian Events
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021THE “Save Victorian Events” lobbying campaign is urging Victorians to email politicians and Government Ministers to ask for an extension of the JobKeeper program.
BEA local push
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021BUSINESS Events Australia (BEA) will shortly launch a new domestic campaign targeting a “broader cross-section of local business events,” according to an update issued yesterday.
Aussie agency wins Crystal Award
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021SYDNEY-BASED The Conference Room has taken out the “Excellence in Incentive Travel: Europe” category in the 2020 Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE) Crystal Awards.
Destination SA to go ahead tomorrow
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021THE Adelaide Convention Bureau (ACB) has confirmed that it will continue to host the highly anticipated Destination South Australia event, scheduled to take place 10-13 Feb 2021, despite the snap COVID lockdown in Perth.
Gold Coast hails expo success
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021THE Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) has successfully hosted its first public event for the year.
Crumbs! 09 Feb 21
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021AS WELL as destroying the MICE sector, the lack of events in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic has had many other side effects, including serious issues for some of the country’s retailers – particularly those who sell deodorant.
Gray’s Say 09 Feb 21
Tuesday | Feb 9 2021PETER Gray, an independent Motivation Consultant, presents a regular Business Events News feature on current issues in the Conference and Incentive industries.
BECA border blast
Tuesday | Feb 2 2021THE Business Events Council of Australia (BECA) says ongoing uncertainty in relation to border management within Australia and internationally continues to severely compromise the once-thriving sector’s pathway to recovery and survival.
AIME cancelled
Tuesday | Feb 2 2021THE organisers of the Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event (AIME) have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 show which had been planned for 15-17 Mar, due to the ongoing international and domestic travel restrictions.
TAS baton passed
Tuesday | Feb 2 2021THE Association Specialists (TAS) has appointed Nell Harrison (pictured) as its new Managing Director, taking over from the company’s owner Francis Child who will become Executive Chair.